Thursday, July 17, 2014

Shawn P.

So I chatted on-line with this nice young guy a couple of months back and then I added him to Facebook, we stopped chatting and I never really thought too much more about it.
He would "like" some of my profile pictures once in a while but really never commented on my posts.
A couple weeks ago, yes I'm very late with this entry,  he sent me a message on facebook,  just a "hi, how ya doing?" kinda thing. We chatted some more made some small talk and then we exchanged phone numbers and texted back and forth for a few days. He was witty and shy and I was curious  about him. I creeped his facebook, yes I did and he was very tall, about 30 and was kinda chubby. OK, why not.....well the why not will come later.
He turned out to be extremely shy and it took quite an amount of coaxing but at the last minute on a Tuesday night I managed to get him to meet me for a walk down at the local Tim Hortons  (coffee shop). It was about 11 pm and I was wide awake.
When I arrived he was already parked and I jumped out of my car super excited to meet him. He was tall. 6'4"  He was also very shy, so we walked  and talked. Now when I am nervous I get gabby and a little loud....oops. He didn't offer much to the conversation so I assumed when we got back to the cars that i wouldn't hear from him again.
A couple night later we went for a drive and chatted some more, he was young but mature so what the hell.
Until I noticed on facebook that he had a little habit of "liking" this girls photos and statuses.....I only noticed because one of my former on line dates who I still remain friends with was dating her.....OMG.
The tangled web of online dating, I guess this town is smaller than I thought it was.its not a small town really but online apparently it is.
So over the next week every time she would post a picture and my friend would like it cause they were dating......Shawn P. would too. Nice! So one day I said to him, how do you know her? He met her on Plenty of Fish.... online.
I was done that's a tri-fecta I just couldn't and didn't want to be involved in......

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