Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Its a difficult thing to grasp when you're totally fooled by someone,  you play it over and over in your head looking for a sign or something that was missed.
He was moving here from another province for work. We had been texting for quite a while and it seemed like a good fit. He had lived here before and I was interested in meeting him. We had became friends on Facebook.  He commented on some of my status'. We were comfortable with each other and the conversation always remained tasteful.
He invited me to dinner on a sunday night after I got off work but the catch was he is bringing his daughter and we were "old friends". She is 14 and I said ok because I knew she was spending a month with her dad before she went back to school.
I met them at a Mexican restaurant downtown.  He was grinning very big and his daughter was very cute and polite. Dinner was a little awkward but fun. After I left he texted me and said he loved my smile and asked would I see him again?  I said sure!
He was heading back to Prince Edward Island to load some stuff up to bring back.
I was happy, finally a normal guy.....and then it happened.
I was checking facebook and Wham!  He had just posted that he was now in a relationship! Holy shit!
Of course I texted him.
"WOW" I wrote,
He tried to make some weird excuse,  that he was drunk and just  fooling around with a friend.
What ever.
I asked a couple days later why bother to meet me?
He said he didnt know what had happened,  he wanted to meet me and that he had been dating that other girl for a year?
I wished him  I really should have wished her luck.

Fooled me..
Is still fooling her.......and brought his daughter....
Bye Remi.

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