Sunday, May 18, 2014

burning ring of fire?

I made friends with a guitar player in a local band. He was awful sweet with a country boy persona. I was instantly attracted to him and he could sing. I was very interested.
So when he mentioned to me that his band would be playing a pub down in a town in a country setting I thought I'm going to seize the opportunity and go down and feel out the situation.
The pub was a bit rustic. ha ha. I say that loosely. it was down right hick town. There were stuffed animals everywhere from a hawk to a full size bear! There was also everything country and some things that were a little questionable. I have never been in an establishment that served alcohol with chainsaws hanging from the ceiling.
I walked in a little shocked and confused and after a few stunned moments I chose to sit in the back away from the stage so I could feel out the place. I realized after I sat down that there was a giant stuffed moose head right above me. wow. I ordered a beer from the girl working there and waited.
the place started to fill up and soon the band appeared and he saw me instantly and came over to chat.
he was very polite and looked as if he was happy to see me. He excused himself  because they were about to get started. I dashed outside for a quick smoke.
that's where shit got real.
I was standing alone outside the door puffing away on my smoke when these three women stumbled out to smoke also. Seeing that I was alone they started up a conversation with me. They were friendly and I was a little guarded, they were asking me some questions that made me uncomfortable.
" you 're not from around here? What are you doing down in this neck of the woods?"
I could tell I was in over my head with these chicks. I simply told them I was meeting someone, which wasn't a total lie..... " how do you like the band?" said the skinny chick. " they're good, I saw them before when they played in town,"I told her.
she proceeded to tell me that she was seeing someone who played in the band for the past few months and that she was exclusive to him but he wasn't to her? That he could do what he wanted but they were in a relationship?
What? that doesn't even make sense. So I excused myself and re-entered the pub and got myself a beer.I needed one cause I knew she was seeing the guitar player and that had been a warning to me.
I sat down at a table and listened to the band play, they were great, they played a lot of country with a little bit of rock here and there. The guitar player loved to play and sing Johnny Cash songs, like "burning ring of fire," which would soon feel more like a possibility than just a song.
When they finished their set I got up and went to the bar where I got a water, I knew it was time to bail because those chicks hadn't taken their eyes off me since they came in from their smokes.
Then holy shit,  the guitar player came up to me at the bar and started chatting. I could see over his right shoulder that those chicks were stirring and pointing. damn. He proceeded to then introduced to his sister? wtf? She was really nice also and at that point those chicks were standing in a looming group behind the guitar player. I started to get uneasy. I found myself looking for all the available exits. I told my friend that I was gonna call it a night, he tried to get me to stay but I told him I just wasn't feeling it and have to go.
He leaned in and hugged me tightly and kissed me on the cheek. FUCK! I knew I had to get outta there. those chicks were wild. shit! 
I said goodnight and with a look of panic on my face I sprinted towards the front door like a gazelle. I'm sure it was a fantastic sight for all those who had their eyes on me. I never looked back. got into my car and drove right home.

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